Secondary Market: How To Buy And Sell Shares?
Course Description
- Learn to analyse stocks before investing in a practical approach
- Important factors and metrics for due diligence for stock selection
- Learn Operational aspects like placing trades via various modes in the latest ecosystem
- Be cautious about precautions while trading online
- Trade verification in both online and physical trades
- Investors Right wrt delivery of shares, payment and other dealing with brokers
- IDeAS, Speed-e and EASi registration and uses
- Do’s and Don’ts for maintaining a trading account
- Learn everything about payment of margins and pledge of shares.
- Learn to open and close margin pledge
- Learn industry best practices
- This Program is suitable for new and existing investors
- Improved decision-making for investment
- Can attend multiple other programs also
- There is no hidden cost for the programs
- This Program is independent of any intermediaries thus we don’t want to sell anything ever
- No charges EVER
- Practical Programs
- Suitable for all investors- existing or prospective
- No Fees for the Program Since program cost is borne by SEBI
- Course Drafted by SEBI Officials
- Course Content approved by SEBI officials
- Trainer empaneled by SEBI for training these programs
- Most detailed Investor Awareness program by SEBI
- Both Online and Physical Programs are available
- Can Attend multiple times no restrictions
- Independent analysis by the trainer since not associated with any intermediary
- A Comprehensive program on understanding Securities Market trading Pre-Trade Preparation
- Operational Aspects of trading
- Post Trade Verification
- Margin Funding and its practical application
- 310, 3rd Floor, Shalimar Corporate Centre, Nath Mandir Rd, South Tukoganj, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001 .
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